​​​​         Healing Touch California

     A Network for All Healing Touch Practitioners & Students


Healing Touch California offers scholarships forbeginner level Healing Beyond Borders, Healing Touch Program, Healing Touch for Animals® and Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry classes. Students receive $200 minimum or up to 50% of the cost of level 1 (or beginner level class), whichever is greater. Multiple opportunities for prospective students to submit their applications take place at different times throughout the year.

Apply for a scholarship in 2021 by Friday, August 27.

Click here to apply

2018-2019 Recipients
​Lara Anderson (HTP), Mabel Camacho (HTP), Shaina Carissa Hook (HTP), Diana Jarnagin (HBB), Carol Gigi Lumahan (HBB), Sandra Roldan (HTP), Sirinan Srilanchanarak (HBB).

2017 Recipients
HTCA 2017 scholarship recipients were Rose Montano (HBB), Whitney Weiler  (HBB), Dulce Lozano (HTA), Aziza Hasani (HTP), Karen Campos (HTP), Callie Warren (HTP).

2016 Recipients
Previously scholarships were awarded to Kristin Simmons, HTA;  Vanessa Claudio, HTP; Elke Wehner, HBB; Pearl Palmer, HBB; Richele Leigh Walters, HTA; and Renee Barnett, HTP.

2015 Recipients
Six $200 scholarships to new students enrolling in Healing Touch Program and Healing Beyond Borders Level 1 classes.  Recipients of the HTP scholarships were: Colette Marzonie, Cynthia Salazar and Kristin Cobler.  HBB recipients were Kristi-Marie Standing Cloud, Stephanie Schaz and Marissa Stillie.

​Excerpts from Testimonials from Recipients

  • Kristi-Marie Standing Cloud, a nursing student who is studying to become a Registered Nurse Midwife:  "...Healing Touch, in my opinion, melds beautifully with the process of pregnancy and birth, and I would like to offer this form of therapy to my future clients. I absolutely plan to continue my Healing Touch education as far as I am able...This scholarship has made taking the course possible, and for that, I am incredibly grateful! Thank you for allowing me to add this "tool" to my nursing belt. You have gained another advocate for Healing Touch in the medical community, and I will continue to encourage others to open their minds to this complimentary therapy through the course of my life ."

  • Stephanie Schatz: "I wanted to follow up and thank you and everyone involved for providing me the scholarship to take this "wonderful" class. This was one of the high points in my life, and will have a lasting impact at many levels.  Without the generous financial support I would not have had this opportunity. I feel blessed."

  • Marissa Stillie: "I am very grateful for the scholarship I received for Level 1 Healing Touch… Learning Healing Touch has helped me have a positive impact on people in my community.  For the past 6 months, I have practiced on my family and friends…I have expressed to friends how Healing Touch can really benefit a person’s life and that it has helped me tremendously. I explain very simply in Lisa Thompson’s words, “It is relaxation technique that helps you heal yourself.” If a friend or family member asks for it, I am happy to try it on them. I have gotten all positive responses…I can’t express how much I appreciate the Healing Touch Level 1 scholarship; it has created a sense of peace for myself and peace within my community."