​​​​         Healing Touch California

     A Network for All Healing Touch Practitioners & Students

​​​​​​A Peak at previous CE course/symposiums event... 


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We invite you to join together with over 700 Healing Touch practitioners, instructors, students and supporters serving our community's greater good. Joining Healing Touch California is FREE and you'll receive our bi-monthly  e-newsletter... a great way to stay up-to-date on local HT news and events.


Find Us on Facebook

Find the latest local HT news and share your HT-related thoughts, photos  and comments on our Facebook page.  

Healing Touch California is a California-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.  Our tax ID is #33-0764097.  
CONTACT US:  info@healingtouchcalifornia.com


​​​​​​Healing Touch California is proud to re-host 


for a special presentation- 

​Bridging Animals to People™
New Techniques for your Energy Practice

Live via ZOOM on October 8, 2022 from 9:00 AM -12:15 PM PST

Carol Komitor founder of Healing Touch for Animals®, is recognized as one of the elders in the Healing Touch community and is a huge advocate for the importance of self-care.  Carol offers her knowledge, wisdom, experience, and techniques to practitioners who work with human clients/patients. These proven, powerful animal techniques have been modified for the human energy system. 

During this online course, participants are provided with instruction, demonstration, and practice of four techniques to use on clients/patients and for self-care.  These techniques will dramatically increase the participants’ grounded-ness, energetic frequency and create lasting wellness.  Plenty of time is allowed for a live period of questions/answers and discussion.  

This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.  Approved to award 3 contact hours through June 9, 2023. AHNA #1585.

Approval for contact hours through the American Holistic Nurses Association is based on an assessment of the educational merit of this program and does not constitute endorsement of the use of any specific modality in the care of clients.


Scholarships for 2022 .... Help Us Get the Word Out!

Healing Touch California offers scholarships for beginner level Healing Beyond Borders, Healing Touch Program, Healing Touch for Animals® and Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry classes throughout the year.

Students receive credit of $200 or up to 50% towards the cost of level 1 (or beginner level class),
​whichever is greater.

Apply for a scholarship in 2022 by Friday: November 25. 

All the best to HT CA 2021 scholarship recipients:

Scholarship Info and Application> 

HEALING TOUCH CALIFORNIA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with the MISSION to unite, educate and support all Healing Touch practitioners and students throughout California. Our VISION is to facilitate the growth, expansion and accessibility of Healing Touch in California through heart-centered sharing, education, integrity, advocacy and inclusiveness. 

Healing Touch California is committed to bringing our Healing Touch community together through continuing education classes, workshops and symposiums held at venues or virtually. ​ We are proud to sponsor various energy modality classes.